hermetically sealed connectors 


hermetically sealed connectors 


 HCC Interconnect Technologies has brought the
skills and capabilities of Hermetic Seal Corporation
and Sealtron Inc under a single management.
Together these two historic brands have the engineering
skills and the production capacity to solve
any high reliability interconnection problem, utilizing
glass-to-metal-sealing or molding technology using
PEEK and Viton. HCC Interconnect Technologies
is committed to developing these technologies into
new products and markets.


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נייד: 050-349-777-5 פקס:153-50-349-777-5

Aerospace Engineering   /   Tel: 03-6910444,  Fax: 03-6090003  /  39  Shaul Hamelech Blvd., B-605, Tel-Aviv 64928 

Aerospace Engineering

Tel: 03-6910444

Fax: 03-6090003

Shaul Hamelech Blvd., B-605, Tel-Aviv 64928