Available in a range of configurations to match your needs, the 11 channel RAR-EC provides complete, integrated databus functionality for ARINC 429, ARINC 575 and selected 2-wire, 32-bit protocols, for an ExpressCard interface. The RAR-EC supports maximum data throughput on all channels while providing onboard message scheduling, label filtering, multiple buffering options, time-tagging, error detection and four avionics-level I/O discretes. Configurations with support for ARINC 717, ARINC 573, and IRIG-B Receiver (AM or / DC / TTL) and Generator (DC / TTL) support are optional. Several RAR-EC configurations offer combinations of ARINC 429 channels along with ARINC 717 / 573 Dual-Mode functionality. Dual-Mode functionality programmatically supports either HBP (Harvard Bi-Phase) or BPRZ (Bi-Polar Return to Zero) across a very wide range of Bit Rate / Subframe combinations. Bus Analyzer support provided with BusTools/ARINC, our flexible, Windows-based GUI Bus Analyzer, and LabVIEW support is optionally available. ARINC 615 Data Loader support is available through CEI-DL software.


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ARINC BusTools Software Analyzer


BusTools-ARINC is the only solution for Bus Analysis, Simulation, Maintenance and Data Logging of ARINC 429, 575, 561/6-wire, 717 and CSDB databus protocols. Simultaneously control, log and display data from a single Windows-based program on USB, PCI, CompactPCI, PCI Express, ExpressCard, PC/AT, PC/104 and PCMCIA platforms. BusTools-ARINC provides comprehensive monitoring, data logging and simulation for 100% bus loading activity. 



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