Tactical Booster Amplifiers, RF Systems, and Modules that meet the toughest challenges.

The Ametek PDS Amplifier product line plays a critical role in wireless and radio communications, military communications networks, electronic warfare, electronic countermeasures, and homeland security. Our amplifier product line also has a variety of industrial, scientific, and medical applications.





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Advanced Vehicle Computer

Abaco Systems AVC-CPCI-3060 CTF Application Ready Vehicle Computer Control System is a COTS packaged pre-validated computer system that provides a rugged and highly flexible computing platform suited for mission applications requiring rock-solid reliability such as UAVs, booster and ground vehicles, and manned aircraft.

Abaco Systems’ COTS-based AVC-CPCI-3060 CTF Application Ready computer system can be deployed in the field as soon as your application is ready, or use the AVC-CPCI-3060 CTF as a starting point for multiple application-specific configurations. The arduous task of integrating off the shelf boards has already been done for you -- shortening your time to project completion. You have one point of contact for all issues and a single part number -- not a collection of parts.




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